Tuesday, July 13, 2010

WCHS Class of 1980 Reunion Party-- July 10, 2010

Lynn Sanders Banks, Christie Beck, Corinne Maheu Houghton, and Carolyn Daghlian Stec

Carolyn Daghlian Stec, Michelle Boxell, Sally Olinger, Shari Bibler Skaggs, Corinne Maheu Houghton, and Christie Beck

Carolyn Daghlian Stec, Christie Beck, Corinne Maheu Houghton, Sabrina Handgen, Sara Coon Martin, and Michelle Boxell

Carolyn Daghlian Stec, Jeff Franks, Shari Bibler Skaggs, Michelle Boxell, Corinne Maheu Houghton, Christie Beck, and Kirk Wyman

Carolyn Daghlian Stec, Shari Bibler Skaggs, Michelle Boxell, Corinne Maheu Houghton, and Christie Beck
*We held our 30th class reunion at Spikes, a fun bar with an outdoor stage and sand volleyball courts. No one got on the volleyball courts, but a few of our classmates certainly managed to get on stage by the end of the night! What a great time of catching up!! Over one-third of our nearly 400 person class attended the reunion. We took lots of pictures, encouraged peers to sign up for facebook, and caught up on new events in our lives. I think that I have the youngest child, but several of my classmates now enjoy young grandchildren. As Corinne noted, many of us are entering a new phase of our lives as our children head off to college, get married, and start families of their own. How cool that we get to catch up in such a fun and touching way!!