Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's GREAT to be TWO :)

More birthday pics-- 1/26/10

Happy Birthday, Ellie-Kate!!!

Ellie-Kate as "Boo" from Monster's Inc.-- 1/26/10

More birthday pics-- 1/26/10

Ellie-Kate's 2 year old birthday pics-- 1/26/10

Ellie-Kate's Two Year Old Birthday Celebration-- 1/26/10

This time last year, we could only send a package, hope that her cake arrived at her foster parents' house, and pray that she was having a great day. Not this year!! We stayed up on Monday evening, decorating the house with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse decorations and wrapping presents in Disney princess paper. When Ellie-Kate awoke on Tuesday, January 26, we greeted her with "Happy Birthday to You" and let her know that she was in for a very special day.

The older girls were on a two hour delay due to an overnight dusting of snow so Emmy went with us to the library for play group. Her library friends also sang to her, and we got to sing her favorite lap sing songs, including "This is how the cowgirls ride" and "Twinkle, Twinkle." We went home for lunch and nap and then picked up Emmy from school and went to Walmart for pictures. They turned out GREAT!! After a chilly birthday dinner at Ponderosa, we went home to open presents. Highlights from the parents included her very own Disney princess canopy bed, a Disney princess fold-out toddler couch, and an Elmo "cooking" set. Emmy treated her to more toy cars, and Britti gave her an "Itsy Bitsy Spider" book. (Chelsea's always a bit late on the present front... :) !)

We sang again as Ellie-Kate "blew" out the candles on her Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cake-- yes, with a bit of help from her older sisters, and Ellie-Kate really enjoyed her cake. No, we'll never be sure if she received the one that we sent to her in China last year, but we have some fun pictures to record the one from this year.

We still have some presents to open from family, and Ellie-Kate's party with toddler friends will be on Saturday. Thus, this birthday celebration will stretch across a few days. It will definitely be one to remember and cherish as our first one together :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010