Sunday, July 4, 2010

Quick Update-- July 4, 2010

Hi Everyone--

The summer continues to fly by!! Over the past 10 days, Emmy has been to art camp at the Dairy Barn, a local arts facility, and Chelsea has been to tennis camp at the College of Wooster. We're in the middle of re-doing our flooring on the main level of our house, requiring quite a bit of shuffling furniture and chaos, and Roger and I are both teaching online. When they're in the house, Emmy is working on her 4-H projects (food, dog, and photography), and Chelsea is busy with her AP summer reading.

Ellie-Kate continues to grow-- physically and socially. I'm amazed by how much that she understands and by her overall awareness of where she is in relation to her surroundings. When she turns 16, she's certainly not going to have trouble with getting around Athens! She absolutely LOVES to go outside. In fact, often, the first words out of her mouth in the morning are "go outside?" She really likes to play ball (either t-ball or basketball) or drive her little purple car. She even stops to fill it up with gas, well, actually, grass. (She pretends that grass is the fuel of choice for her little car.) When we say that it's time to come inside, she implores us to let her "try again."

Overall, life is going really well for us... We're all still adjusting to not having Britti here at home, and we're eager to visit her in October. Personally, I really miss her sunny face AND her great shoulder massages and help with pictures. Moreover, though, I know that the little girls yearn to see her around her. Skype helps, but it's not the same. Still, it truly helps to know that Britti's having a blast at Disney and that she's setting a great foundation for a potential future with the company.

I hope that summer is going well for all of our blog readers!! We have another hectic week of travel ahead of us (district skit at Wooster, my reunion in IN, and then tennis camp at Wooster) in addition to three evenings of chaos as the men come to lay the rest of our new flooring. Please pray for safe travel as we head off on all of these adventures :)

More soon!!
