Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 3, 2010: Outing to Hocking Hills State Park

We began the holiday week-end by traveling up to Hocking Hills State Park, just 40 minutes from Athens, but we just never manage to make it up very much at all. In fact, Emmy reminded us that she had never been to the main part-- Old Man's Cave. With zero chance of rain, beautiful sunny skies, and relatively cool temperature, we decided to carve time for a trip. Also, Emmy is hard at work on her 4-H photograph project so we thought that the lovely scenery would lend itself for some great possible pictures.
We visited Cedar Falls first, and the girls loved it! Ellie-Kate and Emmy did a great job with hiking up and down the cliffs, and they had a blast looking at nature, taking pictures (Emmy), spotting wildlife (and visiting dogs), and enjoying the waterfall. We then traveled to Old Man's Cave, and we continued to be amazed that the girls did so well with hiking--especially given that Ellie-Kate managed the whole trip without a nap! We concluded our trip with a meal out at the Old Dutch Restaurant, and we were able to get home before dark. Overall, a terrific day trip!!