Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Quick Praise! July 13, 2010

After 16 months with us, Ellie-Kate now has a completely clean bill of health in terms of her heart. We had a follow-up visit with the pediatric cardiologist today, and Ellie-Kate was good as gold. Unlike last year (when she screamed for the entire visit), Ellie-Kate was poised and sweet. The doctor tried to shake my hand, but Ellie-Kate was sitting on my lap, and she reached out and shook his hand instead :) After an EKG and physical exam, the doctor looked at me and said, "She's perfect. Her heart is perfect." We are so grateful that she has been given such a great report, without any intervention from us at all. We know that we are truly blessed. Thank you, God, for blessing us with such an amazing little girl and for allowing her body to heal. We give You all of the praise and glory!!

More soon--
