Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy 16 Month Anniversary, Ellie-Kate!!!

Eleven years ago today, Roger and I were eagerly anticipating our wedding at Burr Oak State Park. (We'll head out to Burr Oak tomorrow for our annual anniversary celebration.) Sixteen months ago, we held Ellie-Kate in our arms for the first time... I cherish the memories of both of those occasions...

It's hard to imagine a time when Roger and I weren't married, and, if anything, it's even more difficult to remember a time when we didn't have Ellie-Kate. She has brought so much joy to our lives, and she's truly one of us. We are "Mommy" and "Daddy, and I love the way that she reaches for us as we walk. She definitely wants some independence now, but she slips her little hand into our's just as soon as she reaches a street or encounters someone else on a sidewalk. When we're in public, she seeks my eye if she questions whether or not that someone else is "okay" or if a behavior would be appropriate or not. (I wish that she would check with us before she shuts doors quickly at home, but, well, she is two :) !)

Her two and a half year birthday is on Monday, and I'll write more about her then. (I'll also try and get caught up about 4-H competitions and Chelsea Meagan's birthday between now and then too.) However, I just wanted to give a quick "shout out" on our blog to these very special anniversaries. Happy anniversary, Roger!! Happy anniversary, Ellie-Kate!!

