Saturday, July 17, 2010

House in Transition-- Week of July 12, 2010

Hi Everyone--

This week was more than a bit stressful, as we uprooted all of our belongings in the foyer, living room, Roger's office, kitchen, breakfast nook, and dining room to install new flooring in the foyer, living room, and Roger's office. (We did the breakfast nook and kitchen last week so everything from the other rooms moved to that area.) As that saga unfolded in our house throughout the week, Emmy went to art camp every afternoon and then spent every other spare minute on her 4-H projects. Chelsea was at the College of Wooster for tennis camp until Thursday, requiring me to drive up there (for the fifth time in two and a half weeks!) and fetch her. As of 10 p.m. on Friday evening, though, all of the girls (except for Britti) were home, and the floors were finally finished. Today, we spent the bulk of the day on putting all of the pictures and furnitures back where they had been.

As we look ahead to next week, Emmy has 4-H food judging on Monday and photography judging on Tuesday, plus soccer camp on the mornings when she's not at a competition. Chelsea will celebrate her 16th birthday with friends at Burr Oak State Park on Tuesday thru Wednesday, and, when we're home, we'll all continue working on the deep cleaning of our house that has been our big summer project. (Roger and I are both teaching online courses, and, fortunately, they have been going very smoothly.)

We hope that you have a great week! I'll post pics from judging and birthday stuff next week-end, if not before.
