Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!! July 4, 2010

After an awesome church service this morning, we ate a quick lunch and then went to the Fourth of July parade in Athens. We sat near the fairgrounds, and we really enjoyed watching the various entries. It's so cool to live in a small town!! We knew the grand marshall as well as lots of the people in the parade. We could have lived without the sirens from all of the fire trucks and emergency vehicles, but, overall, it was a very relaxing and entertaining way to begin the afternoon.
Ellie-Kate was a bit confused though... After being a bit scared by Chuckie Cheese, we decided that it might be a good idea to show her the video of our family when Emmy was 3 in Disney World. Emmy was terrific about seeing the characters-- not scared at all. Anyway, Emmy quickly dubbed the video "The Show about Us." Ellie-Kate has re-named it as "The Baby Emmy Show." We watch it over and over and over and... Well, the video also has clips from the various parades at Disney World, and Ellie-Kate thought that all parades have Disney characters. Although disappointed, she still liked the Athens parade, and she said "try again?" as soon as we told her that it was over. (Whenever she wants to repeat something, she says "try again?")
After the parade, Roger took the girls swimming while Christie went for a walk. Later, we had a fun cook-out, complete with hotdogs and s'mores. Overall, it was a great holiday!!