Saturday, March 20, 2010

Remembering... 3/19/09-3/20/09

Hi Everyone--

We have had two amazingly beautiful spring days here in Athens!! Yesterday, Ellie-Kate kept pointing to the windows and saying "Outside, outside!!!" Emmy and Ellie-Kate LOVE playing on our playground equipment, kicking the soccer balls, and shooting baskets. As they laughed and enjoyed the sunshine, I couldn't help but reflect on what we were doing a year ago... On March 18-19, 2009, we traveled in a large plane from DC, over the North Pole, and south into Beijing. We landed around 2:30 pm., Beijing time (2:30 a.m., EST). We were exhausted and intimidated by unfamiliar surroundings, smells, and sounds. By the grace of God, we managed to get through the airport, pass through security, and meet our guide. The smells as we drove through Beijing contrasted sharply with the sweet smell of springtime that filled our house yesterday. I really thought that I was going to be sick as we made our way through the traffic to the hotel.

I don't think that I've told this story here before, but, as exhaustion caught up with us, we were overwhelmed by the lack of familiarity with our surroundings. Our rooms were beautiful but so very hot, and we called down to the desk for help with our air conditioner. A bell hop came up with an ironing board. We took the board, looked at each other, and burst out laughing after he left. We called back down, and he returned again. We tried to use crude sign language, and we think that he finally understood. His response to the heat in our room? Opening our window (without a screen on a high floor of the hotel) and leaving our room door open. Roger, Emmy, and I looked at each other after he left and then laughed... Britti and Chelsea were already fast asleep on our bed...

In a way, Ellie-Kate was in such a similar situation with us when she came into our lives. She had never heard English before, and she must have been so curious about our odd appearances, voices, smells, and food. However, I am amazed by how flexible that she has always been. Ellie-Kate has a remarkable ability to "go with the flow," and, now, she's starting to put sentences together into words, and she truly grasps what's going on in our house, who should be where, etc. She's easily the most perceptive and inquisitive of the four girls, perhaps because she needed to be from early in her life. A year ago, we wrestled with unfamiliar territory, toured Beijing, and struggled with diverse social norms about public smoking, lines, and personal space, and we eagerly anticipated our new addition. We could not have even dreamed about how perfect that she would be for our family! Thank you, God, for a safe and life-changing experience in Beijing and for our precious baby girl!!

Speaking of which, Ellie-Kate's new game is to play "baby Ellie." (We're not really sure why... One of her little friends at church has a little baby sister who comes into the nursery on Wednesday night, and we've been talking about another one of her friends who just got a baby brother.) Anyway, she cuddles up in my lap and asks for a bottle of milk. Her eyes twinkle, and her lips curl on the edges about to burst into a smile or laugh. She didn't really like to cuddle for long when we first got her, and it's nice that she feels comfortable enough to do it now. As she gets more and more potty trained, perhaps she yearns for just a bit more time as a baby. That's perfectly alright, Ellie-Kate!! You can stay our little baby for just as long as you like :)

More soon as we continue to remember our trip over the next few weeks!!
