Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy 26 month b-day (on the 26th day of March!), Ellie-Kate!

We've had a great spring break... The little girls have enjoyed lots of playtime at home and at Burger King and the rec center and, of course, COSI. The older ones just got back from DisneyWorld around 3:15 p.m., and they had an absolute blast. The band performed impressively, and the girls got to experience all four parks plus Downtown Disney. Ellie-Kate and Emmy are more than a little envious about Britti and Chelsea's fun. Ellie-Kate keeps saying "Mickey, Mickey?" Emmy has ended each evening this week by looking longingly at the mini albums that I made for her from our 2006 and 2007 trips. Although I'm also yearning to be at the "happiest place on Earth," I'm glad that we decided to wait until December for our big family trip. Chelsea would have missed out on much of our family fun if we had gone now, and I'm not convinced that Ellie-Kate wouldn't have been quite intimidated by actually seeing the characters up close and personal and battling through the crowds. Hopefully, the crowds will be less intense during our early December trip, and she'll be just a few months older and wiser :)

We celebrated Ellie-Kate's 26 month b-day (and the older girls' safe return) by going to the Chinese buffet. Tomorrow, we're headed to Walmart for our annual Easter pictures. I'll post those pictures sometime over the week-end. In the meantime, I'm posting some pics from Britti and Chelsea's Disney adventure, from our trip to COSI, and from some fun around the house. Enjoy these snapshots of our lives :)
