Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Remembering... 3/17/10

One year ago today, we finished packing, quadruple checking documents, shoving items into suitcases, weighing and re-weighing suitcases and carry-ons... Although we had intended to pick Chelsea up straight from play (Cinderella) rehearsal, instead, we picked her up, returned home, and worked on loading the van. We left for Columbus around 6:30 p.m., bought food at Taco Bell in Nelsonville, and arrived at our hotel near the airport around 8:30 p.m. We only grabbed what we absolutely needed out of the van and checked into our hotel room for a few hours of sleep... I barely slept at all... We needed to leave for the airport around 4 a.m. so I had to wake up at 3 for a shower. I remember that I was nervous-- apprehensive about the flights (one in a tiny plane and the other over the North Pole to China), concerned about losing or forgetting "must have" items for the adoption, wondering how we would manage the time on the plane and jet lag in China. God provided for every single detail, though. Thanks for handling everything, Father, including enabling us to get a bit of rest before the journey that changed our lives forever. I hope that I never forget that drive, that hotel room, that night of tossing, turning, and anticipating-- one year ago today.