Monday, March 8, 2010

Reflections... 3/8/10

Hi everyone...

It's sooooo intriguing to think back on where we were a year ago... We were preparing for a trip around the world to pick up our baby girl. We were in a frenzy of checking (and double-checking) paperwork, getting information, and packing (and weighing!) bags. What a time of joyous anticipation!! Our wait was nearly over...

On March 17, 2009, we drove to the airport in Columbus, parked our car, and prepared for a 14 hour flight the next morning. This blog recounts our adventures up to and including the amazement of holding our precious Ellie-Kate in our arms for the first time. As I look back at those early pictures, I can't help but notice her serious expression. Although she can still be serious, more often than not now, her face lights up in a quick smile at the sound of our voices; she readily laughs at (and with) her sisters. She spent about 15 minutes at the dinner table tonight laughing while counting--and re-counting-- from 8 to 10. We don't know why she was laughing, but she certainly enjoyed her own private joke! On Tuesday (3/2/10), Ellie-Kate and I were having an awesome day, and she asked for a drink. She kept pointing to a different cup in the dishwasher than I originally got out for her. When I replaced the cup, she smiled and said, "Happy! Ellie happy!" My eyes filled with tear of joy. How cool that a little cup could bring such contentment and happiness, and I was so happy that she was happy!!

On Friday (3/12/10), our case worker will come for our very last home study... After nearly 33 months of paperwork, waiting, transition, and bonding, it's almost odd to think of taking our last step in the adoption process. Ellie-Kate has been "our's" for over a year-- ever since we "locked in" on her on November 2, 2008, and we have held her close ever since that amazing day in March, 2009. Yet, in a strange way, it's tough to just move on from people who have been such integral parts of our journey-- our case worker, the folks at Living Hope. I'm not sure that those doors will ever be sealed. I hope that we always stay in contact... I can't imagine that they wouldn't want to know the "rest" of our story...

Yes, "our story" continues to unfold; our lives move on... We started potty training this week, and Ellie-Kate went for the first time on Saturday, March 6. She's a smart girl, eager to learn and yearning to please. It'll happen soon... She can't get enough of what the older girls do, and I caution them to be good role models because their littlest sister wants to be just like them-- whether on the basketball court, soccer field, or primping for a picture :) Over the past few weeks, she has noticed our prayers over meals and at bedtime. When someone slips and starts to eat first, she claps her hands together and says "Pay! Pay!" (translation-- "Pray! Pray!") A few nights ago, she sat in her crib and said "Bob! Bob!" I looked around, trying to figure out which stuffed animal had just gained the name "Bob." Finally, I asked her to point, and she clapped her hands together and said "Pay! Pay, Bob." (translation-- "Pray! "Pray to God!") To make the point more clear, she closed her eyes tightly and squeezed her little hands together. I'm not sure if our Heavenly Father had ever been referred to as "Bob" before, but I would guess that He was touched by this pure heart of a child. Thank you so much, Father, for placing this precious baby with us!!! I truly believe that she was always meant to be part of our family. She's such a perfect fit, and we are so blessed!!

Thank you so much for caring about our journey!! We started this blog almost a year ago, and we're so grateful that so many continue to care about our family. We praise God for all of you!!

Have an awesome week!!
