Tuesday, April 20, 2010

CSCA conference-- 4/14/10-4/18/10

We're back from a great time in Cincinnati at the Central States Communication Association conference. Christie left for the conference last Tuesday and spent five days presiding over meetings, participating on panels, and visiting with fellow members. On Thursday, Roger and the girls (except for poor Chelsea who had to stay home for track practice and a meet on Saturday) drove over to Cincinnati. They went with Christie to the welcome reception, listening to a great performance by JW Smith, one of Christie and Roger's OU colleagues, and visiting with lots of old and new friends. Afterward, Christie and Roger went to dinner with CSCA Past Presidents while Britti watched the girls in our amazing suite. As CSCA president, Christie was treated to a great room-- apparently, when guests such as President Obama, Sarah Palin, etc. stay at the Cincinnati Netherlands Hotel, they stay in this very room or another one just like it.

On Friday, Roger and the girls went to a park while Christie went to panels. Roger and Britti joined Christie for the luncheon to watch her pass the gavel to the incoming president while Sarah (one of Britti's friends) watched the little girl in the room. All of us attended the President's party that night and then Britti headed out for the annual pub crawl with other grad and undergrad students.

Although Christie had obligations all day on Saturday, Roger and the girls had to go back to Athens early on Saturday morning so that Emmy could participate in the opening ceremonies and parade for Sandlot softball and then play her first game of the season and so that Ellie-Kate could go to her friend, Kelsey's, birthday party. Meanwhile Chelsea did long jump and ran the 200 in Parkersburg, WV at a track meet, setting a new personal record by jumping 11 feet 10 1/2 inches.

Christie finally got to come home on Sunday. Although exhausted, we all had a great trip, grateful for the opportunities to experience fun and cool things.

Enjoy the pictures from the conference! We'll post pics from the Sandlot game and fun at home when we can later today :)