Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cool tidbits... Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hi Everyone--

This week has been a blur with soccer, softball, cello, and AWANA (Emmy), track (Chelsea), playgroup (Ellie-Kate), and dance (Britti, Chelsea, and Emmy). The annual dance recital is next week so we face our annual stress of spending countless hours at Stuart's Opera House while also balancing all of the aforementioned activities and sports. Let's just say that certain soccer, softball, and track coaches aren't going to be our "fans" next week!

Although "balance" hasn't been easy this week either, we have had some fun laugh out loud moments over the past couple of days. Thought that we'd share some lighter (and special)moments...

1. I had just returned the conference on Sunday, and I was trying to reconnect with Ellie-Kate. I said, "Come on, Ellie-Kate, hug Mommy." Her little eyes started to twinke, and she laughed as she leaned down and hugged THE DOG, Coco. "Ellie-Kate," I said. She laughed even harder, and Britti said, "Ellie-Kate, who is that?" With brown eyes sparkling, she replied, "Mommy!" Brittany said, "Well, if that's Mommy, who's that?" (pointing to me). "Coco!" she said, laughing. After three more tries, Ellie-Kate giggled as she ran into my arms and called me "Mommy." What a funny girl!!

2. Tonight, she did something similar. We told Ellie-Kate to say good-night to everyone, and she had Emmy left. "Tell Emmy good-night," we said. With eyes twinkling, she ran and hugged her toy stroller, stuffed cow, and panda poster before finally turning to Emmy and hugging her good-night. She has such a fun sense of humor, and she's so smart!!

3. Speaking of which, on Tuesday, she did her first math problem: 1+1-2. To top it later in the night, she figured out the answer to 4+4. She's well on her way to serving as captain of the math team in middle school :)

4. At play group today, Ellie-Kate stepped back before going on a bouncy inflatable everytime that another child came near her. "Baby first," she told each of them, and she allowed each of the other kids to take a turn ahead of her. Let' s just say that a good number of adults commented on her very sweet and kind nature :)

Can't believe that 13 months ago right now, she wasn't with us yet. (Tomorrow is our 13 month anniversary!) What a blessing that she has been!!! Need to dash off and help Chelsea with her homework. Have a great week-end! I'll upload more pics when I get a chance on Saturday or Sunday.
