10. Shopping at Richland Mall in Waco-- It even has a Build-A-Bear!
9. Shopping at Sooner Mall in Norman-- After discovering that Crossroad Mall in OKC (the mall where Christie and Britti used to go all of the time when Christie was in grad school in Norman) was out of business, we had a fun time with last minute shopping before catching our flight.
8. Hanging out with Harriett at OU and attending "University Sing," featuring acts from Greek organizations for OU Parents Week-end.
7. Hanging out with Erika at Baylor and attending "Pigskin," a broadway-style musical review-- one of Baylor's many Homecoming traditions.
6. Watching the ponies pull the Schooner around Memorial Stadium in celebration of 28 unanswered points in the third quarter during the OU-A&M game. (Final score-- 41-25)
5. Visiting Lady and Joy (the actual bears that live on the BU campus)... Yes, they really live right by the student union, and they go for walks around campus!
4. Touring two great campuses on very sunny (but windy!) days!
3. Surviving the 5.7 earthquake in Norman! (Christie thought that the Days Inn was going to take a tumble!)
2. Laughing and dining with Corinne and Nathalie at the Denton, TX Olive Garden on our way to Norman. How amazing to be able to just pick right up as though no time has passed!!!
1. Realizing that Chelsea is a Big 12, Southwestern-kind of gal!!