Saturday, June 12, 2010

One Big Blur...

Hi Everyone--

Sorry that it's been so long since I've posted an update... I think that this gap has been the longest since I started the blog, but, wow, the past six weeks have been an absolutely insane blur of work obligations, softball (Emmy), track (Chelsea), end of year school concerts and trips, cello (Emmy), Girl Scout field trips, 4-H, the loss of our beloved pet Sunni, a trip to IN over Memorial Day week-end, odd injuries, prepping for VBS, and just general "life" stuff. We're all pretty beat, but we're grateful for all of the opportunities and blessings that God has provided for us during this intense time. I won't (actually can't) take time now to journal lots of details, but here are the highlights:

1. Emmy did really well with softball this season. She played in a competitive league, and she was the shortstop on her team. Although she had an injury to her thumb mid-season, she was invited to try out for the All Star team, and we really thought that she had locked in on third base. However, just before the team was announced, the coach double-checked her birthday with us, and she realized that she had misremembered Emmy's b-day. Because Emmy was born slightly before (not after) January 1, she was directed to the wrong All Star team try out. Unfortunately, she was disqualified for younger team, and the older team had already named its roster. GRRRRRRR!!! Emmy was really disappointed, but perhaps we'll all enjoy a bit of extra time this summer.

2. Emmy received a special award in gym at her school award ceremony, and she was one of only two people to earn an AWANA trophy for finishing her second book at this level in AWANA. She was very excited!!

3. Chelsea did great in track, making super progress in the long jump. She's already signed up for a long jump camp this summer, and she's eager to do even better next year. Also, she was inducted into the National Spanish Honor Society a few weeks ago.

4. Ellie-Kate gets even more verbal with each passing day, and she has an extraordinary sense of direction. If we're within a mile of a possible destination, she points to the correct direction and asks if we're headed there, even if we haven't even mentioned it. She's so funny, and she has an incredible arm-- yup, Emmy's convinced that she's shortstop in training! One of our neighbor boys even commented that our two year old throws better than boys on his elementary school team :) She's an absolute delight, and we love to hear her hearty laughter as she plays throughout the house.

5. Britti continues to THRIVE in Orlando. She loves her job, enjoys a number of fun friend groups, and ventures to one of the parks before or after work almost every day. She gets in free, and she has been taking advantage of that benefit big time-- much to her sisters' dismay!

6. Roger and I have been working really hard with various graduate and Honors Tutorial College students as well as finishing up our classes for this quarter while prepping for summer. Both of us had grad students finish their dissertations this spring, and I advised an HTC honors thesis too. LOVED working with these cool students, but, too often, we found ourselves struggling to return feedback in a timely manner, given our other competing commitments.

7. We had an unusual flood in our basement a few weeks ago, ruining the flooring. After choosing carpet and getting it installed, we're still in the process of moving everything back to the basement. After we finish that move, we're going to get hard wood floors (or something like them) on the first floor. The current flooring has suffered through four geriatric pets over the past 11 years, and, well, we just can't get the stains out anymore. Given that we had to deal with the basement, we thought that it wouldn't be a big deal to do the upstairs too. It'll look great when it's done, but... okay, one more thing :)

8. Last week-end, I took Emmy's Girl Scout troop on an educational camp-in to the Columbus Zoo. During an educational role play (in which I portrayed a wolf trying to get its prey), I fell. Fortunately, I didn't break anything, but, after dealing with pain all week, I went to the doctor and learned that I have a severely sprained ligament near my thumb. I'm now typing this message with a big splint on my left arm, and I need to keep my hand immobilized for four to six weeks. I guess that it looks pretty neat, though, because Ellie-Kate insisted that she needs to go to the doctor b/c her hand hurts and she needs a splint :)

9. We start VBS tomorrow night, and I've been rehearsing to portray Jessie Oakley (or Jessie the Cowgirl) in our opening and closing skits. I'm having a blast, and I believe that it will be a powerful ministry. Unfortunately, my hand has made holding my toy rifle a bit interesting, but I'm looking forward to an exciting time of sharing the Gospel throughout this next week!

Well, that's our life for now! Emmy and Chelsea are both out of school now and preparing to attend 4-H camp and various sports camps. Ellie-Kate is loving every second outside and playing various sports. All of the girls are grateful for SKYPE because they can see each other again on the computer, even though the distance between Athens and Orlando is long.

Hope to touch base again soon and that everyone is gearing up for a terrific summer!
