Sunday, January 25, 2015

Trick-or-Treat night-- October 30, 2014

Stephanie and Brittany handed out treats as Brides (a creative re-use of their wedding gowns!)

Stephanie, Brittany, and Ellie-Kate

Ellie-Kate, Britti, Christie, and Roger

Ellie-Kate and Roger

Brittany and Stephanie hand out treats in front of our house...

Jack and Ellie-Kate


Jacob, Jack, and Ellie-Kate


Christie and Ellie-Kate

National FFA Convention: October 29-31, 2014

Emmy traveled to Lexington, KY with the Athens FFA chapter for the National FFA convention. She had a great time, but she wished that they could have gone to more sessions (but fewer fast food restaurants)!

Uptown Trick-or-Treating: October 27, 2014


Eva and Ellie-Kate

Josie, Lexie, Jillian, and Ellie-Kate

Keira and Ellie-Kate

Patricia and Ellie-Kate run games at the Brookfield Church game night during trick-or-treating.

Aiden and Ellie-Kate

Emma and Ellie-Kate

Anna Maria, Isabelle, and Ellie-Kate

Decorating pumpkins... October 26, 2014

Ellie-Kate and Roger

Emmy, Ellie-Kate, and Roger


Emmy, Ellie-Kate, and Roger

Emmy and Ellie-Kate

Ellie-Kate's last soccer game of season-- October 26, 2014

Ellie-Kate and Emmy

Ellie-Kate, Landis, Olivia, and Mattis

Ellie-Kate and Emmy

Landis and Ellie-Kate

Christie and Ellie-Kate

Roger, Ellie-Kate, and Christie

Power 105 Chili Cook-Off-- October 26, 2014

Britti, Faye, and Ed at the Athens County Extension Chili booth (with an "I Love Lucy" theme)

Britti as "Lucy"

Brittany, Emmy, Phoebe, Faye, and Ed

Ed, Emmy, and Britti

Emmy and Britti

Christie and Britti

Emmy, Ellie-Kate, and Britti