Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sandlot Opening Day-- April 12, 2014

Ellie-Kate had a great opening day. On the plus side, she was one of two girls to get a hit every single time that she got up to bat. She was chosen to bat second because she had done such a great job of hitting during the scrimmage on the preceding Thursday evening. During the game, she got on base every time but once-- when she hit the ball right to the first base person. We were a bit disappointed that the coach stuck her in the outfield, but, to be fair, Ellie-Kate has still not really showed the coaches what she can do during practice in terms of throwing. She's nervous about hurting another child because she throws so hard. (She accidentally hit a child in the head during the first practice of t-ball last year, and she's a bit nervous...) We don't mind that others are getting the chance to play infield, but we hope that Ellie-Kate doesn't get bored by being tossed to the outfield...

Kidsfest-- April 12, 2014

Christie and Emmy worked the 4-H booth at Kidsfest at the OU Convo.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

CSCA-- April 2-5, 2014

Christie and Kathie

Christie as one of 17 CSCA past presidents at the Past Presidents' Dinner on Thursday, April 3, 2014

Christie with grad school buddy, Rob, at the CSCA Hall of Fame Luncheon on Friday, April 4.

Christie with friends from OU at the Hall of Fame Luncheon-- 4/4/14

Donna, Chris, and Christie at the Mill Street Museum for the President's Party-- 4/4/14

Chris and Christie enjoyed all of the exhibits, especially the freight elevator tour :)

CSCA was a great time! Originally, Christie was supposed to leave for SSCA in New Orleans on Friday. Unfortunately, a big snow storm forced a change in plans. Fortunately, getting to stay enabled her to attend the CSCA President's Party AND to get home to the girls a day earlier :) She's definitely planning to get to SSCA next year in Tampa!

Civil War Ball-- March 29, 2014

Emmy dresses up for the Civil War Ball, hosted by the Athens County Historical Society. Emmy and her friends, Patricia and Kali, volunteered as Girl Scouts for the event which was held at the Athens Community Center on March 29, 2014.

While Emmy was at the rec center for the Civil War Ball, the rest of us gathered at Applebee's for dinner-- Grandma B., Brittany, Ellie-Kate, Christie, and Roger.

Dessert Reception-- March 29, 2014... reflections

Hi everyone--

What great memories from the dessert reception!! When we first started thinking about pre-wedding festivities, we didn't quite know how to proceed. I wanted for her to have a shower-like event, but not for the gifts as much as for the fellowship. After putting my head together with a dear friend from church, I came up with the idea of a dessert reception-- hosting friends and church family members in a relaxed and fun environment to celebrate Britti and Ramon's upcoming wedding.

We had so much fun! Thanks to Sarah, we had great invitations and a fun "date night idea" game. I came up with a trivia contest of fun facts about Britti and Ramon, and Emmy put together a great slide show, complete with Disney music. Britti and Ramon practiced cutting into the cake and feeding each other (but they did it blind-folded).

Overall, it was just such a wonderful time of celebration! We're very grateful that we were able to rejoice with good friends in anticipation of the big day :)


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Brittany and Ramon's Dessert Reception-- March 29, 2014, Album 3

Rob, Sarah, Britti,, and Ramon
Patricia and Emmy
Mrs. Jeffers and Britti
Ellie-Kate and Roger
Rob, Ramon, Britti, Ellie-Kate, and Sarah
Britti's Bridal flip flops
Britti and Ramon opening presents :)

Brittany and Ramon's Dessert Reception-- March 29, 2014, Album 2

Brittany and Sarah
Grandma B and Brittany
Britti and Grandma B
Christie and Britti
Sarah, Ramon, and Britti
Ramon and Britti
Pam, Sharon, Bert, Patricia, Gina, and Lisa

Baby Lily, Elizabeth, Noah, Shannon, and Sue

Monday, April 14, 2014

Britti and Ramon's Dessert Reception-- March 29, 2014

Party favor with M&Ms
Ramon, Ellie-Kate, Britti, and Emmy
Emmy, Britti, and Ellie-Kate