Sunday, August 19, 2012

What a surprising end to the day... July 11, 2012

 Ellie-Kate played first base (again). She has such a knack for softball :)

What a long day!! We had already been to Tar Hollow (stopping at McClure's for lunch on the way back), and Britti had some drama at camp so she was stressed and tired and very dirty. She said that she was going to skip Ellie-Kate's game and head straight home to bed. Well, near the end of the game, Britti called and said that she was going to come over after all. She arrived just as we were walking to the parking lot. I thought that it was odd, but she said that she had something to tell me. When she got to the car, she started making excuses for me to look at her hand, and I finally realized that she had a RING on it. WOW!! Apparently, Roman wanted to surprise her (which he certainly did!) with flowers and music when she got home from 4-H camp. I asked him if he knew how she was going to look when she walked in, and he admitted that he had no idea about how she was going to look (like something that the cat drug in!!!), but he went ahead with it, and she said YES!! Thus, we have a wedding to plan!! Ellie-Kate later tried on the ring and said that SHE was going to marry Ramon. Oh, those sibling rivalries :) Afterward, Ellie-Kate and I went over to meet Emmy, Chelsea, and Roger at the rabbit tattooing at the fairgrounds and shared the news. Wow-- what an eventful day!! I was so shocked that I didn't even think to take a pic of Britti and Ramon (even though Britti did take a shower after he proposed) or the ring!! Oh well, I'll do that soon :)