Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Off to Baylor Line Camp-- July 23, 2012

Very early on Monday, July 23, Chelsea Meagan headed off to Baylor Line Camp! She had an amazing time. She loved her group, and she met a special friend, Lennon. Notably, camp officials confiscated cell phones so she was essentially shut off from the world for the five days of camp, but it enabled her to focus on making friends and many special memories of the Judge Baylor statue, the fountain, swings around campus, and Denny's :)

It also enabled us to shelter her from events in Virginia. On Monday, Wade took a turn for the worse, and he was placed on a ventilator. On Tuesday, his kidneys started to fail, and his situation deteriorated. On Thursday, July 26, right around noon, Wade passed away...

Chelsea returned home on Friday evening, and I allowed her to share about camp all of the way home. She gushed about the amazing time that she had experienced, and it was wonderful to hear about those moments before we got home. After we got into the house, I had to sit her down and tell her about Wade. She was very upset, but, ultimately, grateful that I waited to share the news until she got home. Very, very sad times and, once again, an emotional rollercoaster...