Sunday, January 26, 2014

Playing in the snow... January 25, 2014

Emmy and Ellie-Kate get ready for their first run down the hill

Coco and Emmy!
Well, if we couldn't have a birthday party because of the snow, we could at least have fun in it! We got at least eight inches of snow, and, as of mid-afternoon, our streets had not been touched. Thus, we got out with sleds and shovels to play and then clear the drive-way. Fortunately, the snow plow came about 2:30 p.m., and we were able to make our way up the hill and to the rec center and Walmart. While the girls and I were in rec center (and Roger was in Walmart), another snow squall hit, and even more snow dumped on the ground. We were able to get Casa take-out and head home for a warm evening of yummy Casa food, Barbies, and a movie (Despicable Me 2). Although not the day that we had expected, we enjoyed it immensely :)