Monday, February 16, 2015

Good-bye to Izzy... November 10, 2014

Over the week-end, Izzy started to really not do well, and we knew that the end was near, but he just wouldn't give up. However, when he couldn't even get up the strength to make it to the litter box on Sunday, we talked to the kids and told them that we were going to have to make a tough decision, if Izzy was still with us on Monday morning. Indeed, on Monday morning, Izzy was still alive when we woke up, and Roger made the appointment for 10 a.m. Sadly, I took Ellie-Kate to school, and I called Roger on the way home. He told me that Izzy was gone and that he'd been with him at the end. Even though Izzy wanted to hang on, mercifully, God permitted him to die on his own rather than force us to help him at the vet's office. I will always be grateful that Izzy went on his own. We will miss him so much. He was truly the toughest, most tenacious kitty ever...