Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sandlot Opening Day-- April 12, 2014

Ellie-Kate had a great opening day. On the plus side, she was one of two girls to get a hit every single time that she got up to bat. She was chosen to bat second because she had done such a great job of hitting during the scrimmage on the preceding Thursday evening. During the game, she got on base every time but once-- when she hit the ball right to the first base person. We were a bit disappointed that the coach stuck her in the outfield, but, to be fair, Ellie-Kate has still not really showed the coaches what she can do during practice in terms of throwing. She's nervous about hurting another child because she throws so hard. (She accidentally hit a child in the head during the first practice of t-ball last year, and she's a bit nervous...) We don't mind that others are getting the chance to play infield, but we hope that Ellie-Kate doesn't get bored by being tossed to the outfield...