Saturday, June 22, 2013

Special day in Columbus-- June 6, 2013

What a day of blessings! We dropped Izzy off at Medvet for a follow up rehab appointment and then headed to Ellie-Kate's opthamalogy appointment. Back in the fall, Ellie-Kate's little friend, Jack, poked her in the eye. As a precaution, we asked Dr. Fogt to look at her, and, during the course of that exam, she noticed that Ellie-Kate's eyes tend to drift out. Six months later, in late May, Dr. Fogt did a follow-up exam and decided that we should visit with a specialist to learn if Ellie-Kate should have corrective surgery to reduce the chance of losing vision. Blessedly, the specialist determined that Ellie-Kate's eyes don't need surgery, but we're going to keep close watch on the situation. Praise God!!

While we were waiting on Izzy to finish up with his rehab appointment, we went to COSI. It's so nice to have a membership, and, if we lived in Columbus, we would be there all of the time! Ellie-Kate LOVES the preschool playground so we spent most of our time in that section after eating lunch and playing for a few minutes in the "Gadgets" section.

Over at Medvet, Dr. Bancroft gave Izzy such an amazing report! He's making great progress, and he did so well during his therapy session that Medvet actually uploaded a video of his rehab session on its Facebook page! He was labeled as a "Super Kitty," and he certainly is :)