Four years ago, right after trick-or-treating, we sat in our living room, and I happened to mention the picture of a little baby that I couldn't stop revisiting on the internet... Her pic was in the top left hand corner of the Living Hope special needs website, and the staff had nicknamed her "Kristen." Although stunningly beautiful, she had a long list of special needs, and they seemed far beyond what we could handle as a busy family. Yet, I couldn't stop staring into those eyes... Jenn, one of our friends, gently reminded me that she gave birth to a "healthy" baby yet has experienced so many problems with her daughter's health. We never know what's going to happen or what we are going to need to face.After that conversation, Roger and I agreed to visit with the International Adoption Clinic at Children's, and we made an appointment for November 1.
As I think about Ellie-Kate and our journey, I treasure this time of year... We stepped out in faith, and God has blessed us so very, very much with our precious little girl. He blessed us with amazing friends, tremendous moments, and rich emotions of hope, faith, joy, trust, and excitement.
Thank you, Father, for great friends and for the blessing of Ellie-Kate in our lives!!
Praising Him!!