Chelsea with the other 2011 Ohio County Fair Queens and Kings-- 12/30/11
Chelsea with the other 2010 and 2011 Ohio County Fair Queens and Kings-- 12/30/11
Kara (2010 Fairfield County Queen) and Chelsea-- 12/30/11
Chelsea with the Holmes County Queen and the Franklin County Queen-- 12/30/11
Chelsea with the 2010 and 2011 Clark County Fair Queens-- 12/30/11
*Lara, the 2011 Ohio Fair's Queen, invited all of the 2010 and 2011 Ohio County Fair queens to her hometown, Georgetown, in Brown County for a dinner on December 30, 2011. Chelsea had a great time of visiting with the other queens and celebrating Lara's super reign as Ohio Fair's Queen. Lara visited 97 fairs and traveled over 18,000 miles in the past 12 months! Chelsea will be running for the honor of Ohio Fair's Queen at the competition in Columbus next week.